Business, STEM, The Careers Cast

CC005: What is a Data Scientist? | feat. Ching-Chi Tu


Show Notes

Data is everywhere and is growing exponentially. You’ve probably heard the buzz around data, but ever wonder what all the fuss is about, who deals with it, or what it means to you? For those interested in learning more or even pursuing a career in analytics, this episode dives into the foundations of how data can be leveraged to make better-informed business decisions.

Data Scientist and Machine Learning Engineer, Ching-Chi Tu illustrates how data stories are vital to a company’s overall narrative, being able to statistically identify ways to improve performance and direct the characters’ decisions in its next chapters. Having experience in consulting, industry starts ups, and corporate functions, Ching-Chi elaborates the potential data science has to make a difference in these settings as well as the hard and soft skills needed to enter and eventually become a great practitioner in the field.

It’s a thrilling mix of art and science to create meaningful solutions through data-driven insights. If you are wondering what possibilities data can unlock for you, you’ll want to listen to Ching-Chi’s take on how anyone can learn how to make a difference with data.


You’ll Learn: 

  • About the role as a Data Scientist in startups, as a corporate function, and in professional consulting services
  • The Data Science Lifecycle and it’s vast applications to support almost any initiative or industry
  • Foundations of technical skills and platforms
  • Foundations of soft skills and creativity
  • About resources, courses, certifications, and communities to build your skills and authority
  • Ways to practice and support your community
  • What the origins of the field are, current trends today, and where it’s going tomorrow
  • An important lesson on collaboration and problem-solving


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Ching-Chi Tu

Ching-Chi Tu is a Data Scientist and Machine Learning Engineer, starting his career in a major applied intelligence practice for an international consulting firm and now a startup supporting call center innovations. Having vast experience across different industries and serving several philanthropic initiatives, he brings data strategy and innovative analytics to push the boundaries of human and machine. With a passion for using data to tell meaningful stories, he uses his skillset to make a difference for the people and communities behind every initiative he serves.

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