The Bookshelf

Expand your mind between the lines. 

Recommended Reads

Ever get lost in a good book? How about getting found in one? Dive into these uplifting works by brilliant authors through time. We’ve still got a long list on our end, but of the literature we’ve read, these works enhanced our mindset, confidence, and abilities to step into a more intentional life our legacies would be proud of – what will they do for you?

Click here to see the full bookshelf on Amazon. 

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The Joy of Missing Out
Tonya Dalton lays out the formula for how to say no to FOMO and realize the power and peace in JOMO. Get more clear and productive on the priorities that set your heart on fire.
Atomic Habits
A compelling compilation of systematic strategies to trick yourself into fool-proof success. Drawing from proven case studies and biological science of micro-habits, James Clear gives you back the pen for transforming the story of your life on your terms.
The Big Leap
Gay Hendricks mantra for everyone to stop playing small on who you are meant to be for the world. In this concise work, the resounding messages opens up the gateway for YOU to permit YOU the chance  transcend into your best version of yourself.
Storytelling with Data
For any student or working professional, this short, illustrative, and impactful read by Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic will help you level up the way you configure your presentations with data. Let your visualizations do all the heavy lifting so your story sticks.
The Brain Fog Fix
A three-week program designed by Dr. Mike Dow provides education and small, empowering, comprehensive applications to address the exhaustion dilemma and restore more natural energy.
The 5 Love Languages
If you are in or aspire for romantic relationships, pause your scroll for a sec. This read by Gary Chapman will challenge you to dig deep on understanding and applying what interactive methods best resonate with yourself and your significant other.

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