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The Bookshelf

If it were only possible to time travel to read these earlier or stop time to read them again… or really, just all of the above! Find the power between these lines from authors across the globe. Checkout our Amazon storefront for best recs to keep your bookshelf and brain sharp.

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Holistic Health

The Joy of Missing Out

Tonya Dalton lays out the formula for how to say no to FOMO and realize the power and peace in JOMO. Get more clear and ...
Life & Career

Atomic Habits

A compelling compilation of systematic strategies to trick yourself into fool-proof success. Drawing from proven case studies and biological science of micro-habits, James Clear gives ...
Life & Career

The Big Leap

Gay Hendricks mantra for everyone to stop playing small on who you are meant to be for the world. In this concise work, the resounding ...

Our Tools

We’ve packaged a few things we learned in our day that we hope benefit you as well. Explore items in our digital storefront to strengthen your capabilities and confidence. 

Partner Tools

Have we got some stellar things in store for you! Take a look into what our partners are bringing to the table to support the Avolv mission for better living. Trust us, you won’t want to miss these!


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Passing Notes in Time

Discover uplifting and significant lessons these folks from all over were generous enough to pass along. Who knows – reading their wisdom might just make all the difference (or at least make your day)!

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  • Spiritual Health

on college credits

Melanie, 26, Louisiana Take as many AP/Dual enrollment/college credits in high school as possible

on maintaining relationships

Tori, 26, Arizona It's a two-way street. Equal amount of effort needs to be put in by both parties!
Spiritual Health

on clarity

Madeline, 26, Louisiana Ask God to make HIS plan for your life known to you and open your heart to His plan when it is ...

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