Life & Career, The AQ

AQ007: Passing Notes in Time – School Edit | feat. Madeline LeBlanc, High School Director of Communications


Show Notes

Join us today along with Madeline LeBlanc, Director of Communications for an all girls’ high school, to read notes that have been passed back in time for your benefit. Peyton and Madeline share personal experiences with deep conversation that will encourage you to stop the comparison game and focus on your goals for life.

Tune in to learn why you should cherish your education, appreciate the resources you have at your fingertips, take advantage of those student discounts, be proactive and innovative during those formative years, find yourself, figure out a way to love learning, managing healthy and unhealthy stress, and make the most of your education to set you up for success.

People need what you are made to be. This episode gives you permission to try different things and find out what sets your soul on fire. Those post graduation years can be tough, so fall in love with yourself and enjoy the journey. As Madeline mentions in the close of this episode, you are in the driver’s seat of your life and can make a change at any moment.

You’ll Hear:
● About embracing failure and failing forward
● Ways to measure success outside of typical standards
● How to avoid comparing yourself to others
● The ways a college major can affect your income
● The importance of appreciating your education
● What types of stress are good stress
● How to leverage your skills early
● Helpful study habits
● The feelings that come after graduation and how to handle them
● Benefits of taking AP/dual enrollment courses

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Madeline LeBlanc

Bringing her experience and passion for marketing and public relations to the world of education, Madeline LeBlanc is the Director of Communications at an all-girls’ high school in Louisiana. On the side, she also paints personalized decor and apparel. She has a deep loyalty to her faith, family, Louisiana community, Cajun roots, alma maters, and finding real meaning between the motions of everyday life – which made Madeline the perfect guest to dive into the content of this episode to read between the lines and provide some perspective for each of the submissions on advice for school.

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