Passing Notes in Time

Pieces of wisdom to encourage your legacy.

Good Thoughts on Blast

Maybe you’ve never heard this lesson. Maybe you’ve known it your whole life. Maybe you needed the reminder today. Maybe it resonates with you in a new way. Maybe you have something to share too?

We’re providing a platform for good thoughts, lessons, and reminders to be shared and heard. At the bottom of the page, submit your own timeless advice on things you wish you learned sooner that could just benefit someone more than you could ever know.

  • All
  • Debt
  • Holistic Health
  • Investing
  • Life & Career
  • Mental Health
  • Money Management
  • Other Adult Stuff
  • Personal Development
  • Physical Health
  • Professional Development
  • Relationships
  • School
  • Spiritual Health
Physical Health

on recovery

Veronica, 25, D.C. rest days from exercise are almost more important than active days! Take time off!
Physical Health

on body talk

Erin, 26, Louisiana Listen to your body! Eat and move how your body wants to - it knows what it needs!
Spiritual Health

on self-worth

Anna, 23, Louisiana Remember you are in this world, not of it.
Spiritual Health

on clarity

Madeline, 26, Louisiana Ask God to make HIS plan for your life known to you and open your heart to His plan when it is revealed. Like really fully open your heart. Submit to His will. And pray for strength to walk down His path! So much easier than figuring it out by yourself!
Spiritual Health

on stewardship

Jaydip, 24, Arizona Respect everyone and do no harm. Help out people.
Spiritual Health

on timing

Taylor, 25, Louisiana God's timing is perfect timing. Every single thing happens for a reason & hindsight is 20/20.
Spiritual Health

on community

Veronica, 25, D.C. surround yourself with Godly people! Community is so important
Spiritual Health

on community

Tori, 26, Arizona A good mentor & like-minded (in morals and dignity) friends/community in invaluable <3

Submit Your Own

Have something you’ve learned in adulthood that you wish you knew when you were younger OR that you think might help someone else if they learned it sooner? We’d be honored if you shared it.

Fill out the form below for a chance to have your note featured. 

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