Life & Career, The AQ

AQ002: Career Prep Series – Resumes | feat. Tea Cooper


Show Notes

Did you know your resume is more likely to be reviewed by an AI algorithm first before ever being reviewed by a person? These algorithms scan for key words and phrases according to the job posting and then put you in the ‘move forward’ stack to be reviewed by a recruiter or well, the other stack.

So, are you optimizing the content in your resume? Let’s make sure of it. We sat down with Tea Cooper, Career Strategist and Founder of Cooper Squared Career Services, to talk through the formula of what goes into your resume and what does not.

From top to bottom, we discuss the flow and what key elements should be included for each section in your resume from contact information to your summary to your skills, experience, and education. Tea provides a solid checklist and blueprint to make resume writing actually fun. (Yes, we said fun – you saw that right!)

Whether you are going for your first job or making a career change, this episode will serve you. Listen for yourself and share with your friends to make sure they’re maximizing their potential to be seen not only by a robot but a person to have a fair chance at the job of their dreams too.

Interested in individual assistance with your job applications? See Cooper Squared Career Services below!

You’ll Learn:

  • Difference between a resume and a CV
  • About the AI resume review algorithm or ATS
  • Optimal flow of your resume
  • Best practices for contact information
  • The formula for the Summary, Skills, Experience, and Education sections
  • How to craft memorable and meaningful points that shape the story about the value you provided in your past experience
  • The standard on references
  • Format and design of the document
  • Resume No Nos!

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Tea Cooper

Tea Cooper is a Career Strategist, Founder of Cooper Squared Career Services, and author of ‘Dominate Your Career: A Professional Guide to Helping You Get the Job You Want‘. Having been a recruiter at one of the top recruiting firms in the US, she now champions job seekers to position and advocate for themselves within job applications and interviews as the best possible candidate. With the best of both worlds, Tea specializes in 1-on-1 career services and coaching for resumes, LinkedIn, applications, interview prep, job strategy, and more while also consulting with organization on achieving their potential for finding the right fit open positions. She’s been featured on NBC, Fox, Voyage Houston, CBS, and LinkedIn News, and Tea has partnered with several scholastic and philanthropic organizations as well.

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